The Latest News From Osage Audio Products

Excellent engineering and thoughtful design are what you get with the new TTHUB turntable. Built in England, everything from the innovative bearing to the use of bamboo plywood for the plinth makes this one of the most resistant to the effects of vibration and resonance on the market. And it can be fitted with any tonearm that we carry. Be sure to check out our TTHUB web page or give us a call.

Sierra Sound is one of the up-and-coming importers in the hi-fi business. The U.S. source for Benz Micro and AMG, Sierra Sound is now offering U.S. made phono cables, as well as the industry standard carbon fiber record brush. We have them here at Osage Audio Products. Check out our Sierra Sound web page.

Component isolation devices are nothing new. In fact, there are so many different ones on the market that it can be confusing to try to make a choice. Connected-Fidelity [ Float ] isolation devices look a lot like other more expensive choices on the market, but their design is very different. Offered in two weight specifications and with component interface options, these isolators are designed and made in England. Be sure to check them out on our Connected-Fidelity web page or give us a call to learn more.
Now one of the brands under the SME umbrella, and built from parts precision crafted in SME’s legendary machine shop, Loricraft record cleaning machines are no longer finicky to use and are built to last several lifetimes. If you are interested in a record cleaning machine that you will never have to replace, and one that offers the ultimate in cleaning effectiveness, then get in touch.

We’ve carried the outstanding line of Helius Designs tonearms since 2007 and have had numerous happy customers for them. We are now handling the equally high-performance Helius Designs turntables. These turntables are among the best at any price in terms to communicating rhythm and resolution, and are among the most speed stable turntables ever created. Check them out on our Helius Designs web page or get in touch to find out more.

We’ve added to our selection of tonearm choices with the remarkable AMG tonearm models. These tonearms will fit on any turntables that we carry, as well as most other turntables. They are available with either a Linn-style or SME-style base. Be sure to visit our AMG webpage and give us a call to discuss how an AMG tonearm can improve your listening experience.

Audio Physic has updated finishes and models, and they’ve added two new models, as well as a subwoofer and speaker stands. And prices on some of the models have gone down. Be sure to take time to check out our updated Audio Physic web page.
We now offer the high-quality line of Dr. Feickert turntables. Along with the Kuzma tonearms that can be packaged with Dr. Feickert turntables from the factory, we also offer packages with Thomas Schick, Helius Designs, and Sorane tonearms, giving you one of the most extensive selections of tonearms for use on Feickert turntables available anywhere.
Get in touch to learn more and visit our Dr. Feickert web page.
Designed and built by the folks that were behind the Mytek brand since its inception, with their own brand, Ferrum, they have taken DACs, headphone amplifiers, and DC power supplies another step forward. If you are shopping for an upgrade in any of these areas, call or email us, and be sure to check out our Ferrum web page.

Osage Audio Products is now carrying the entire EAT product line. That means we have available their turntables, tonearms, phono preamps, phono cartridges, accessories, and their tube integrated amplifier. These are all excellent high value products that are as nice to look at as they are to use. Give us a call to learn more.

We have introduced a record cleaning concentrate product that is specifically for use in ultrasonic record cleaning machines. This new product, Enzymatic Record Cleaning Concentrate for Ultrasonic Record Cleaning Machines, is non-foaming and features an extremely low total dissolved solids count. It is a fully enzymatic formula with no chemical surfactants or detergents. If you use an ultrasonic machine it’s woth giving it a try.

Benz Micro’s newest and best selling model, the Zebra Wood, is now available in high output and medium output versions, so if you own a phono preamp or section that doesn’t work well with low output moving coil phono cartridges you can still have the Benz Micro level of sound quality and performance.
See our Benz Micro web page for details.
Albert Lukaschek has been busy. The result is the new Benz Micro Zebra-L phono cartridge. Using the zebra wood body previously found only on the Ruby Z, as well as a line-contact stylus and their patented iron cross coil, the Zebra-L is a landmark in phono cartridge evolution and performance-to-price ratio. Contact us to learn more.
Along with the updated Standard and Super models, the exciting new GEM Dandy Signature turntable has arrived. And we now offer a selection of high quality tonearms packaged with the GEM Dandy models. Please visit our GEM Dandy web page for all the details.
Designed, built, adjusted, and turned by Japanese craftsmen using time honored techniques, Sorane tonearms are among a select few on the market today that offer versatility, high performance, and exceptional value. And they are perfect for pairing with GEM Dandy turntables. Find more information on our Sorane web page.
Ingeniously designed and meticulously crafted in Germany, the Thomas Schick model 9.6 and model 12 tonearms offer outstanding performance with a wide range of phono cartridges and SPU pickup heads. Both models are available in three different finishes. Check out our Thomas Schick web page for more information.
We have added two new products to the Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions lineup, both of which address longstanding issues related to vinyl playback housekeeping.
Ultra-Low Foaming Formula No. 27 is specifically for use in fluid-dispensing vacuum record cleaning machine. A number of brands such as Hannl/Nessie, Nitty Gritty, VPI, and Keith Monks offer vacuum record cleaning machines that dispense the cleaning fluid automatically. The dispensing process can cause fluids to foam, leading to the air bubbles interfering with the dispensing process, and sometimes even the vacuuming process. Our new product eliminates this issue with an all enzyme formula that contains no alcohol. If you use a fluid dispensing machine you should give Ultra-Low Foaming Formula No. 27 a try.
Many phono cartridge manufacturers recommend against using liquid stylus cleaners. The primary reason for this is that liquid stylus cleaning formulas commonly contain alcohol or other substances that can attack the adhesive bond that holds the stylus onto the cantilever.
So why not use a liquid formula that doesn’t contain anything that would weaken the adhesive bond, and that is also enzymatic in composition? After all, what ends up on the stylus is generally what is on the record, and we clean that with enzymes.
That product is Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions Enzymatic Stylus Cleaning Formula. It is supplied in a two ounce dropper bottle that will clean your stylus up to 1000 times, and with a brush with tightly-packed, non-varnished bristles. And the brush is also good for dry cleaning. It is offered separately and can be found on our Listener Select page.
We invite you to give these products a try. Call us for more information and visit our AIVS Product Information web page.
The newest brand to our family of retail products is the extensive line of Audio Physic loudspeakers. For more than 35 years, Audio Physic has pushed the envelope of loudspeaker technology. Using proprietary construction techniques and drivers, they have achieved a level of clarity and evenhandedness that is rarely found today at any price. Be sure to visit our Audio Physic web page or call us to learn more.
One of the most venerable brands in the history of analog playback, Benz Micro is once again available in the U.S., and Osage Audio Products is a charter retailer for the brand. Still handcrafted in Switzerland to exacting standards, the performance of the Benz Micro models is unparalleled at their price points. Generous trade-in allowances are also offered. See our Benz Micro web page for more details.
Osage Audio Products has been awarded a dealership for the internationally acclaimed Mårten Design loudspeaker line, a line offered to only a very few carefully selected dealers.
Known in the press primarily for massive and expensive speakers, Mårten also produces models that, while not inexpensive, are priced within reach. The entire line features models that offer a combination of clarity, smoothness, and precise presentation that is rarely heard, and that is very much like the real thing rather than a recording.
It should be noted as well that Mårten loudspeakers mate perfectly with E.A.R. amplification, and can be attested to by the many ‘best of show’ mentions that that combination has received over the years at hi-fi shows in the United States and abroad.
Learn more about the Mårten loudspeaker line by visiting our Mårten web page or give us a call at 573-696-3551.
Just last year Harmonic Technology added a line of rectangular solid core cables to their existing lineup. Now they have added interconnect cables, loudspeaker cables, and power cords using individually insulated mono conductors. As with their standard line of cables, all of these models feature Harmonic Technology’s proprietary OCC conductors.
In a world full of high-priced cables, Harmonic Technology offers high quality choices at real world prices. Check them out on our Harmonic Technology web page or give us a call to learn more.
The new RecTa Series features individually Teflon insulated rectangular solid conductors and state-of-the-art shielding to produce cables that are world beaters in their price categories. Call us to learn more about these excellent cables.
EAT is finally producing, in house, their own high quality KT88 and 300B tubes in sufficient quantities. These are finely crafted and durable tubes that are quality checked and matched down to the very smallest detail. If you can use one of these varieties you can look forward to an improvement in sound quality with them. Give us a call to learn more.

Acoustic Revive founder Ken Ishiguro has assembled an innovative collection of audio cables, power management products, isolation and acoustical products, and audio accessories that really work as advertised. To achieve success, he’s used some non-traditional methods. Osage Audio Products has listed some of the more mainstream products on our website. Just click the Acoustic Revive logo above to see them. We also have available the complete Acoustic Revive catalog. To learn more, call us or email us.
The new CD Uno CD Player/ DSD DAC offers most of the flexibility of the CD Dué, the same DAC chip and disc transport, and the same DSD capabilities, but in a simpler and much less expensive package. The CD Uno features all of the forward thinking technology that you’ll need in the coming years, including Bluetooth capability, and still allows for true high end playback of your CD collection.
Learn more by visiting our UNICO web page or by calling us at 573-696-3551.
At $895.00, the new Sutherland KC Vibe is the right choice for those looking for a highly adjustable and good sounding phono preamp at an affordable price. The KC Vibe offers five resistive loading settings, five gain settings, a dual mono circuit topology, and a compact size.
See our Sutherland web page for more details, and give us a call today to get yours!
George Merrill’s new PolyTable SUPER 12 offers a level of performance never before seen at its price point. Building upon the features of the original PolyTable, George has added features of the original Merrill Heirloom and the Merrill-Williams R.E.A.L. 101.2 and has done so at an affordable price.
Get in touch today to find out how the SUPER 12 can improve the performance of your system.
Jim Wang’s storied company and groundbreaking technology are just as relevant today as it was in 1998, when he started his hi-fi cable company. Very few hi-fi companies have won as many awards and recommendations for their products as has Harmonic Technology.
We’re happy to offer the Harmonic Technology product line. It represents the best science in cable design and construction, and it does so at prices that most can afford. Be sure to check out our Harmonic Technology web page and give us a call to find out how these cables may improve the sound you are getting.
The most exceptional vacuum tubes available today are those produced by European Audio Team. No other vacuum tubes are subjected to such extensive testing and meet such stringent standards as the EAT vacuum tubes.
The EAT Cool Damper is far and away the most effective product on the market for reducing and stabilizing vacuum tube operating temperature and for reducing microphonics and resonant energy.
Please visit our EAT web page or give us a call for more information.

The new E.A.R. Acute Classic CD Player/ DAC has advanced the state-of-the-art of performance in CD playback. Borrowing the circuit topology of the lauded DAC 4, and using a new CD specific disc transport, the Acute Classic also offers inputs for the DAC section.
The Acute Classic should be on your short list of “last” CD players. Call or email us today to learn more.
Ron Sutherland is one of the most respected and revered designers in the history of hi-fi. For many years, his phono preamplifier designs have been regarded as the leaders in the mid-priced and low-priced market segments.
Along with some new and exciting things in that market, Ron has now turned the reference component market upside down with some new and imaginative phono preamp models. Be sure to visit our Sutherland Engineering web page for more details. |